Jamie Turner

About Jamie Turner

Jamie is obsessed with radio and was bitten by the bug at a young age. He loves music, collects vinyl, and he loves B movies. His favorite movies are the ones riffed by the gang from Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

Jamie is from Lebanon, MO and is married to a hot English teacher named Tanya. They have 3 kids who they love dearly; Carson, Jackson, and Piper. Jamie’s uncle Jeff is also in radio and taught him everything he knows.

Inside Jamie Turner's Brain

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  • Ben Jones

    4:00am - 5:00am

    Avid music lover, so much so he can't sit still!

  • Wake Up with Woodhouse

    5:00am - 10:00am

    Join Woodhouse, the Morning Show Players, and the rest of the team... up early to make the beginning of your day better, and a whole lot of fun!


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