
NATIONAL BELL BOTTOMS DAY -- A celebration of the pants that make you look as though your ankles are bigger than your waist. Hope you like ‘em because they’re coming back! Bell bottoms were a huge fashion trend in the ‘60s and ‘70s, and then re-emerged as ‘flared’ pants about 20 years ago. They were originally designed for sailors to easily kick them off if they fell overboard, so the fabric wouldn’t weigh them down. ‘BELLBOTTOMS’ BY THE JON SPENCER BLUES EXPLOSION  


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  • Dylan Ayer

    10:00am - 3:00pm

    What's on her mind? Dylan will tell you! There's nobody better to hang out with during your workday!

  • Ronnie Ramone

    3:00pm - 7:00pm

    Go Home with Ronnie, it'll be a good time... we promise!
