15 minutes | Sunday, May 19, 2019
Given the choice between getting a million dollars and havingh a world class back scratch administered by a lady bearing a close resemblence to Catherine Zeta Jones, or my Lady Wonder Wench it would be tough choice. Hey, just think, there's are no income taxes on back scratches. Plus, I've found that my voice makes interesting and some would say sexy sounds during a back scratch...which, on occasion in the past, has lead me to having even more enjoyable activities. And of course there's the time honored old saying, "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours—now let's fall in love. Or at least in lust."
Of course you only get a really good backscratch from your lady when she's happy with you. "Happy wife, happy life" is a saying that comes to mind. I'm sure you know that many people must resort to auto back scratching when it has been too long between bouts of social or romantic back scratching. Scratch your back a little with today's podcast.