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Good Night with Dick Summer

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To Holy Hell With Well


13 minutes | Sunday, December 16, 2018
To Holy Hell With Well I say. Instead...Start The Spark With Hark! At least for the Christmas season, when somebody asks you a question, don't start your answer with the word "well." Use the word "Hark" instead. It will get people's attention better. Think what it did for the Herald Angels. They even got away with rhyming "proclaim" with "Bethleheim." As in "Hark, the the Herald Hosts proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem." If you start your answer with "Hark" instead of "Well" think of the attention your answer will get. As in "Hark, yes I'm pregnant." "Hark, no there'll be no raises this ...
17 minutes | Sunday, December 9, 2018
This podcast is about Christmas, and particularly one Christmas Carol...performed by my favorite musician, my son Dave. Merry Christmas.
27 minutes | Sunday, December 2, 2018
This podcast is about Christmas memories, hopes and fears. Some of the things we've done together, my Lady and I...and some of the things we hope to do...maybe this Christmas. My favorite Christmas story is in this podcast. I hope it might find a place in your Christmas celebration.
14 minutes | Sunday, November 25, 2018
Time to ask you to hunker down and send me a note about the season...Christmas, Hanukkah, Solstice, Kwanza...what ever season you celebrate. What does it really mean to you. That's what this podcast is about. My email address is I'll be using your thoughts all month. Please send 'em.
16 minutes | Sunday, November 18, 2018
Excess humility! That's the major challenge facing today's man. This podcast is about a Thanksgiving when I started the "Men Are Saints" campaign. (M.A.S. for short.) It started when my Lady Wonder Wench asked me to open a jar. AND I COULDN'T. But SHE DID. It was awful. She just said "I wiggled it." (The lid on the jar.) It went downhill from there. Give a listen please.
16 minutes | Sunday, November 11, 2018
This podcast is about about how far your experimentation should go...when your partner is involved. Think it can't happen to you? Are you sure? Give a listen and let me know what you think. My Email is
15 minutes | Sunday, November 4, 2018
Americans spend an average of 110 days a year in what's called a "Dark Mood." I found an answer to that. Just roll down the car window, and hang your left elbow out in the sunshine. You'll begin to feel like the "King of the Road." "Louie Louie Generation" folks will understand. Air conditioning was so new, bars and movie theaters advertised the fact that they had air conditioning, so you could come in and cool down while you watched a movie or sipped your suds. Most of us who lived in big cities slept on our fire escapes on hot summer nights. I was a Coney Island life guard back then...
16 minutes | Sunday, October 28, 2018
I like to think that I'm a hand some guy. Not necessarily handsome, but definitely hand someā€¦as in the body part you have at the end of your arm. Hand-some-ness is a fading art. One good use of your hands is rubbing your lady's feet. Another is just holding hands with your lady. I was walking down the street with my Lady Wonder Wench recently when a guy approached me with tears in his eyes, and he said, "I want to thank you for holding hands with your lady. I used to hold my wife's hand all the time. She's holding hands with the Lord now." A gentle touch on the face also sometimes gets a sm...
13 minutes | Sunday, October 21, 2018
My Lady and I walked into the Applebees Grill & Bar the other day. Sitting right by the door, was a young guy nursing a bottle. When he saw my Lady, he tossed the bottle on the floor and reached for my Lady. This podcast explains what happened next.
16 minutes | Sunday, October 14, 2018
It's not as complicated as doctors are telling us. This podcast explains why so many guys hang out at singles bars rubbing their back legs together to attract women. Give a listen please.
17 minutes | Sunday, October 7, 2018
For reasons I'll tell you a little later on, I have to stop Podcast Production for a couple of weeks, so I'm going to have to repeat a couple of them. Some people would say, "These are the best of." I think that's up to you to decide. So I'll just tell you these are podcasts I personally like.
16 minutes | Sunday, September 30, 2018
"Chrissy Girl" listens to these podcasts. And she says they make her feel "safe, relaxed, and beautiful." That's what I wanted to do on the radio. And if I can do it with these podcasts, I will feel like I'm getting something worth while done with my life. Please give a listen and let me know what you think. My Email is
20 minutes | Sunday, September 23, 2018
"THEY" are telling us, "DON'T SIT DOWN." I say, "Sit, eat, enjoy." Get up early in the morning and go for a good, brisk sit. Eating helps the farmers. And what's the most comfortable way to eat? SITTING. THEY say "Sitting is like smoking. It'll make you dies young." I'm sitting. I'm a Louie Louie Generation guy. Too late for me to die young. Sit. Eat. Enjoy.
17 minutes | Sunday, September 16, 2018
There are now almost 700 Good Night podcasts. So far, this is my favorite. It features ME...foiling an attack on my Lady Wonder Wench by a two inch, three ounce monster in the middle of the night. When it was over, she didn't sigh, "Oh my hero." She said something even better. Give a listen please.
14 minutes | Sunday, September 9, 2018
There's a sign on the wall of a hanger where I used to keep my little plane. It says VOLUMES. "Don' let the boy die before the man" is the message. Testosterone toting guys seem to have more toys than the more estrogen enriched among us. That's because the Lord knows we need them more than they need us.
15 minutes | Sunday, September 2, 2018
I like back rubs more than I should. There's a confession in this podcast. I'm confessing that I'm seriously thinking about going bald, so when my Lady Wonder Wench gives me a back rub, she won't have to stop at my neck.
17 minutes | Sunday, August 26, 2018
Can't help the years going by. BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO FALL INTO THE TRAP OF MATURING! Maturing is B O O R I N G. I tried it once. Big failure. Today's podcast gives you a couple of much more interesting possibilities.
20 minutes | Sunday, August 19, 2018
"Once upon a time" are some of my favorite words. If you feel the same way about stories, this podcast is for you. If I don't tell some stories every day, my pimples would come back and my wrinkles would start to hurt.
19 minutes | Sunday, August 12, 2018
We're WAYYY too busy, and this podcast has a solution to that problem. There must be some ladies out there who were so busy that they said no when George Clooney went chasing after them. So BIg Louie says, "Take a don't do what you don't want to do day...doo wah, doo wah" Give it a listen...when you find some time.
19 minutes | Sunday, August 5, 2018
This podcast is a reminder to hold your head high if you drive a "Klunker." "Klunker" is an expressive word. It's the sound your engine makes when you're stopped at a stop light. "Klunker," klunker, klunker" your engine's sound. It's a contented sound that translates to, "I'm a car that has demonstrated the ability to make it all the way home lots of times." The guy next to you in the new red Corvette has an engine going, "Vroom, vroom, vroom" which translates to "slurp, slurp, slurp, get me to the gas station fast." There is a big difference between a klunker and a junker. A klunker a...
16 minutes | Sunday, July 29, 2018
If you are a "Louie Louie Generation" gentleman, DO NOT LOOK AT YOURSELF SIDEWAYS IN A MIRROR. You are in danger of suffering from "Pre-Cotious Ab Deflation." The definition of that word and all your other questions are answered in this podcast. Dig in!
15 minutes | Sunday, July 22, 2018
This is a whole lot of story about Adam & Eve & Desiree. They claim "Nothing Happened." Ha.
19 minutes | Sunday, July 15, 2018
I like being comfortable. That's why I am sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable black leather poppa chair in my living room...and this IS a POPPA chair. in manly. Comfortable. More and more people seem to be un-comfortable with exactly what being manly means now. Legitimate colleges and universities are giving actual courses with titles like "Overcoming your toxic masculinity." Seriously. Brown University has a course in quote, "creating safe spaces for men to unpack all of the things they have learned about masculinity and what it means to be a man" end quote. Seriously....
13 minutes | Sunday, July 8, 2018
This is about the night sounds of the summer. Hard to believe that all that soft sound is made by some one ounce crickets. Seems to me that they'd have to be about 100 pounds to make all that soft sound. And a 100 pound cricket is an ugly thought. There are lots of giggles in this podcast. And giggles are good.
15 minutes | Sunday, July 1, 2018
I'm grateful for lots of the big things we have, but we sometimes take for dependable electricity, enough food and clean water. But I'm grateful for lots of little things too. Like the ice cream sandwich with the little flakes of dark chocolate I had last night, walking on the beach with my Lady Wonder Wench, and holding her hand. We shared a bag of hot, buttered popcorn when we got home. How about flinging a Frisbee with my buddy Randy next door. How about the sound of ice cubes bouncing against a glass full of fizzy soda, or the word y'all in a sentence that goes something ...
16 minutes | Sunday, June 24, 2018
"Stop biting your toe nails." How often have you heard that one? Today's podcast explains why you might hear somebody say it to you in church. So be careful if you go to church wearing flip flops.
17 minutes | Sunday, June 17, 2018
"If you obey all the rules, you will miss an awful lot of the fun." That's one of Big Louie's best observations. I am sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living shock. To say nothing of dismay. I have just learned that the Miss Universe Pageant has eliminated the bathing suit competition in an embarrassing nod to political correctness. It's their new rules. Listen people. Pay attention to Big Louie when he says "If you obey all the rules you will miss an awful lot of the fun." I consider this to be a terrible sneak attack on love itself. ...
13 minutes | Sunday, June 10, 2018
Life is like a giant roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes. Early Summer goes very fast. I think it's the fastest season of all. This podcast is going to help you get a little Summer loving while you still have time.
20 minutes | Sunday, June 3, 2018
This was recorded on my back deck, while enjoying a back yard swing, with shoes off. Early Summer has the most precious moments of the year for me. Early Summer is a woman. She's not here for long. Way too soon watermealoning changes to apple bobbing, then there's September Song, and before you know it you're singing Jingle Bells again...and hoping another another Early Summer gets here soon. Minute by minute, the Summer slips away. The best we can do is catch her before she Falls.
15 minutes | Sunday, May 27, 2018
Who, what, when, where and why are the five questions any story should answer. And the most important question is "Why?" So I'm sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly black leather poppa chair in my living room thinking about the whys in my life. For example, why do I leave the expensive house I live in, and get dressed up in expensive clothes, drive through tough traffic in a car I'm still paying for, to get to a job that I need to pay for the clothes, the car, and the house I'm not in, because I'm at work? And is the reason it's called work because all the other four letter words w...
To Holy Hell With Well
Good Night with Dick Summer

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