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Good Night with Dick Summer

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Christmas Happened One Summer


17 minutes | Sunday, July 14, 2019
Let me tell you a story about how for me, Christmas and Summer belong together. The story involves one of my favorite little kids. Our little Cecelia. Cecelia loves airplanes. I took her for a flight in my little four seat Piper while she was here one Summer, and I explained about the ailerons, and the rudder, and the flaps...and she understood. She's smart. She not only understood, but evidently she gave a lecture on the subject to her day care class...complete with an "oh wow" from her assembled colleagues. Our daughter Kris says Cecelia is quite convinced she can fly the airliner next...
20 minutes | Sunday, July 7, 2019
See. I knew it. Sleeping naked is good for you. It says right here that "Sleeping naked can improve your ability to have restful sleep, and in general your overall health. When you sleep naked your body's production of melatonn which makes you sleepy isn't hindered by clothing." See. I told you Lady Wonder Wench. Nothing worse than having your body's production of melatonn hindered by clothing that's what I always say. Women's clothing is always confusing to me. I mean For example why does a young woman need a training bra? What is she trying to teach herself? And why does a woman wear a bl...
13 minutes | Sunday, June 30, 2019
IT's SUMMERTIME. This podcast says, "Don't let it get away. Grab it while it's hot." Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer to the end it gets, the faster if goes. Happy Summertime.
14 minutes | Sunday, June 23, 2019
This podcast is about sitting here in my big, manly black leather poppa chair considering Big Louie's advice about what to do today. Big Louie always says "The only way to live happily ever after is to take it one day at a time." And I do want to live happily ever after. Of course Big Louie says lots of things in my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot...available at Amazon...shameless plug. Besides "The only way to live happily ever after is to take it one day at a time" Louie likes to remind us that "If you have any moving parts left, for God's sake, MOVE EM". And "You never know when so...
14 minutes | Sunday, June 16, 2019
I am sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living room, looking for my maybe. My maybe is not the insect that buzzes around making honey in May. The maybe I'm looking for is the most important part of the famous formula that says "Honesty = The Truth + Maybe." If you're not familiar with that famous formula, you'll find it in Chapter 11 of my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot, Available at Amazon dot com, shameless the book it says, "Honesty = The Truth + Maybe" means whenever somebody says, "This is the truth, you've got to believe me" it...
16 minutes | Sunday, June 9, 2019
Every month or so, my Lady Wonder Wench looks up at me sweetly, smiles softly, and murmers..."You need a haircut." She never said that to me once before we got married. Now she says it about once a month. We were at an Andrew Rieu concert recently. Andrew Rieu is a vilonist with a classical orchestra and bushels of hair to spare. He stands on the stage, sawing away at his violin and waving his hair all over the audience. All the women in the audience were swaying back and forth urging him to toss his hair their way. Some women have been known to toss various still warm items of their und...
18 minutes | Sunday, June 2, 2019
Looks like I am in for some bodily harm, because I am about to reveal...a secret code which has come to be called, 'The RULES" in this podcast. And Rule #14 is, "Any attempt to document these rules could result in bodily harm to the male." These rules were obviously written by a woman, and I'm pretty sure the threat of bodily harm to which she is referring has nothing to do with the possibility of her punishing me with some kind of complete sexual exhaustion.
15 minutes | Sunday, May 26, 2019
This podcast is about Dr. Bobby McFerrin's prescription for getting your life going. It's a good prescription. It includes 10 Happiness Helpers that might actually put a smile on your kisser. Please give it a shot.
15 minutes | Sunday, May 19, 2019
Given the choice between getting a million dollars and havingh a world class back scratch administered by a lady bearing a close resemblence to Catherine Zeta Jones, or my Lady Wonder Wench it would be tough choice. Hey, just think, there's are no income taxes on back scratches. Plus, I've found that my voice makes interesting and some would say sexy sounds during a back scratch...which, on occasion in the past, has lead me to having even more enjoyable activities. And of course there's the time honored old saying, "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours—now let's fall in love. Or at least...
18 minutes | Sunday, May 12, 2019
I just hung my Brooklyn jacket up in the closet. It's a nice blue jacket with the word Brooklyn written across the chest in script...because that's the way the old Brooklyn Dodgers did it in their logos. And I am an old Brooklyn Dodger fan now living in what's called The Red Sox Nation...Massachusetts. That jacket has taught me a lesson most guys never get. Every time I wear it, people look down at my chest. Almost no other guy can make that statement. You can see it happen. Shifty eyes approach from down the block. Almost always they flick down to check out my chest... because of the wo...
16 minutes | Sunday, May 5, 2019
I really am glad I'm not a super hero. Partially because I really would be embarassed to have some of my thoughts written in a big baloon over my head. But I am a guy. And all guys are part animal. Some of us just make better pets than others. I am also a God father. I'm encouraging my nephew to call me God for short. I like that. Speaking of God, if you go to heaven and God sneezes, what do you say? I'm glad I'm no super hero, but I do work out. You've got to be strong to break a dark chocolate bar into 4 pieces, and then eat only one. Besides...lots of interesting things happen in a gy...
16 minutes | Sunday, April 28, 2019
There's one word that's understood in every language...all around the word. You understand it, your buddy in Mongolia understands it. His girlfriend in Germany understands it. EVERYBODY UNDERSTANDS IT. It's a miracle word. Learn to use it. Especially you guys. Be an understanding guy. Women like understanding guys. Learn how to use the Miracle word guys, and women all over the world will be all over you. Google says, This miracle word is "used to express scorn, anger, disbelief, surprise, or amusement." So it's a word you don't want to see on a note about your income tax from the IRS. Yo...
11 minutes | Sunday, April 21, 2019
Some waitress flee in terror when I show up at the diner. And IT'S NOT MY FAULT. I think waitresses deserve a lot of respect, and an occasional giggle. Lots of times they're single moms trying hard to take care of their kids. This podcast is an intense pat on the back for all of them...high up on their backs.
12 minutes | Sunday, April 14, 2019
Are you doing what you want to do? Or are you doing what THEY want you to do. Comon. Give a listen to this podcast. It might help you take control and do your life "YOUR WAY".
19 minutes | Sunday, April 7, 2019
Toxic masculinity is fake news. No kidding. I have to confess that I must ooze masculinity. My ring finger is about a knuckle longer than my index finger, which proves I have testosterone to spare. Seriously. Today's podcast admits that's one of the tests for masculinity the doctors are talking about...when your index finger is longer than your pointer finger you have excess testosterone. You guys are checking that out now, aren't you. Evidently another test is when a man gets a really hot kiss, a couple parts of his body tend to swell up…like his ear lobes. What did you think I was going t...
17 minutes | Sunday, March 31, 2019
This news just in: Russia has experienced such a large drop in their birth rate that they now have a holiday on June 12th called "The Day of Conception." I am not making this up. It says here, "On this day couples are given a half a day off from work to procreate...and it works. And the birthrate around the middle of March, 9 months from Conception day in Russia, has tripled. To make things even more fun, couples who give birth closest to March 12th, exactly 9 months from Conception day, are given prizes including cars, cash and appliances." I think it may be time to seriously consider coll...
18 minutes | Sunday, March 24, 2019
Lots of folks are lonely. And that's not good for body or mind. It's as bad as obesity, or smoking 15 cigaretts a day...and it sucks the life out of your life. This podcast is a move in the direction of getting...un-lonely.
15 minutes | Sunday, March 17, 2019
Big article in Maxim magazine: What Does It Mean To Be A Man In Today's World? Huh?? My sister in law Peggy says it's either Pink or Blue. It's not complicated. Give a listen and become "Enlightened."
21 minutes | Sunday, March 10, 2019
The beginning, the middle and the end of a love are in this podcast. Also a story about prowling through a modern love affair. Give a listen, and prowl along with me.
13 minutes | Sunday, March 3, 2019
The middle of the night is the time for Hot Passion & Cold Fear. This Goodnight podcast should give you a shot of both.
13 minutes | Sunday, February 24, 2019
February is when Mother Nature crouches down, ready to Spring. This podcast encourages us to crouch down, and get ready with her. It won't be long now till Mother Nature Springs up with lovely flowers in her hair.
17 minutes | Sunday, February 17, 2019
If you were God, and you wanted to make a month as uncomfortable as August, but cold instead of hot, so you made February, (with the brrrr in it for the cold) but people kept calling it FebUary, you'd be ticked wouldn't you? SO this podcast says, "DON'T GET GOD TICKED." Repeat after me. FEB-RRR-UARY. Thank you.
19 minutes | Sunday, February 10, 2019
The B.B. King performance of "The Thrill Is Gone" is more than just a musical triumph. The back story will add a chill to the thrill. It's in this podcast.
10 minutes | Sunday, February 3, 2019
"Nothing grows where Puddy the cat goes." A male cat's fantasy about leaving his mark. We all have fantasies. This podcast may help you see some of your...maybe forgotten... fantasies. If you do, please drop me an Email about it. is my Email address. And, thanks.
14 minutes | Sunday, January 27, 2019
This podcast is about the Gratitude Attitude. For example, if you're feeling old, be grateful, because lots of folks don't get that opportunity. Besides "Not young" doesn't ever necessarily mean "Old." There's also a story about a "Slip away wife" in this podcast. It happens. Give a listen please.
14 minutes | Sunday, January 20, 2019
I grew up in Brooklyn, in the days and nights of Louie-Louie, when men were men and women knew their place. When the guys in my neighborhood weren't hanging out on the stoop singing do-wop versions of Louie-Louie on nice Summer evenings, we spent thoseevenings telling each other great lies about our magnificent deeds of daring-do, invincibility, and courage. When a guy had guts, we said he had balls. Way back then, most of the girls just sighed, smiled knowingly at each-other, and giggled a little. At least I think that's what they did. I'm not sure because most of the Brooklyn girls in tho...
17 minutes | Sunday, January 13, 2019
Once upon a time, a long time ago, my Lady Wonder Wench taught me the magical power of "Wanton." She taught me with just a flick of her eyes and a small jump of her left shoulder. All I did was say, "Hello." It was at the end of a long and exhausting day. Fortunately for me, the echo of that "Hello" must have magically made me younger now than I was then. It taught me that life is much more than just getting tired every day. You'll learn some things about yourself in this podcast too. Please give a listen.
16 minutes | Sunday, January 6, 2019
Mysteries in this podcast. Like Who Let The Dogs Out? Why do all the flavors of fruit loops taste exactly the same? Why are delicate eggs packed in flimsy cartons, while husky batteries are packed in bombproof plastic containers? Lots of mysteries in this podcast.
15 minutes | Sunday, December 30, 2018
A few of your favorite voices may not be around to sing Auld Lang Syne this year. This podcast contains a voice that I was afraid might not be with us...but thank God, she is here to sing the song. You're welcome to join in if you like. Thank you for spending some of your precious time with me in 2018. And I hope we'll have some time together in 2019. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
16 minutes | Sunday, December 23, 2018
What does a three year old say about Christmas. It's in this podcast. Merry Christmas to every one of you who listens to the Good Night Podcast.
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Christmas Happened One Summer
Good Night with Dick Summer

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