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Good Night with Dick Summer

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It's Cold Outside


13 minutes | Sunday, January 29, 2023
I'm sure you've noticed the icicles on people's eyelids, and the chunks of coffee in people's Dunkin Donuts coffee cups, and the flashers just describing themselves, and the chicken laying her eggs from a standing position. IT'S COLD OUTSIDE. How cold is it? You'll have to listen to this podcast to find out.
16 minutes | Sunday, January 15, 2023
A new pair of gloves was the..."TRIGGER." They made me stand up straight, speak clearly but forcefully, and in a friendly voice, they suggested that I should stop messing around AND GO BACK TO WORK. Can't have that now, guys...can we? Give a listen to this podcast and let me know what you think.
17 minutes | Sunday, January 8, 2023
The pretty nurse measured me, smiled and said "You're not as big as you told me you are." This podcast says..."Deal with it guys." And it also explains how I think you should do that. Give a listen if you've just been cut down to size, or if you need to do some careful cutting.
11 minutes | Sunday, January 1, 2023
Happy New Year! No REALLY! There were times this past year when I wasn't sure we were going to make it this time. But we did. And we did it TOGETHER. Look at us!!! This podcast is about first today...and some firsts from lots of years ago. Maybe you had some of the same firsts that I did. Hey...find out. Give a listen even if you never did before.
14 minutes | Sunday, December 25, 2022
This podcast explains what you call a bunch of chess fanatics boasting about their game in an open hotel lobby. (Chess nuts boasting by an open foyer.) And what does an angel say to you on Christmas day? (He looks you right in the eye, and he says, "Hey-lo.)" You've got to say that one out loud for it to work. You'll also want to know why you don't want to get a Christmas card in Georgia. Get informed. Give a listen. And Merry Christmas.
13 minutes | Sunday, December 18, 2022
So how often do you start your statements with the word, "So?" Well lets do something about that to make your statements...swell with, "Well". Or better yet take a tip from the Herald Angels, and use the word, "Hark." Look how that word got all mankind's attention all those years ago. This podcast explains how to make your mark with the word, "Hark." So...give a listen and take a tip.
22 minutes | Sunday, December 11, 2022
More of the old stories of Christmas, plus one story about a mouse that was "Stirring around the house." Please give a listen. And Merry Christmas, Happy Hannauchkka, sterling Solstice and a Complete Kwanza to you.
17 minutes | Sunday, December 4, 2022
Christmas is a very old story, but it always gets my attention. This podcast is about a Christmas I'll never forget. AND it's about a couple of ideas you may want to try for Christmas this year. Give a listen please.
16 minutes | Sunday, November 27, 2022
Your 6 personal love gears are Neutral, Pre Fore Play, Fore Play, Play, After Play and Reverse. This podcast explains how and why to stay out of Reverse. YOU DON'T WANT TO SLIP INTO REVERSE! Give a listen!
15 minutes | Sunday, November 20, 2022
Is the wolf whistle REALLY the audio equivalent of undressing a girl with your eyes? Can you really see the mountains on the rim of the moon? How far can you see into your mate's soul, by using your eyes? That's what this podcast is all about. And before you put down a wolf whistle, wait till you hear this podcast. So give a listen.
15 minutes | Sunday, November 13, 2022
I'll bet you remember when Bobby McFaren said "Don't Worry, Be Happy." It may have been the only positive comment you heard all day. This podcast Is a reminder that it's a good idea. And after all Bobby is an actual degree and all. So "Don't Worry Be Happy" is your doctor's orders.
16 minutes | Sunday, November 6, 2022
Looks like you missed the point of "Handsomeness" from last week's podcast. It simply meant using your hands more. I was trying to alert women to the fact that they can zap guys hormones by using their hands more. This podcast is about being shocked and dismayed that you didn't understand.
16 minutes | Sunday, October 30, 2022
If you've ever prided yourself on getting up again after getting knocked I have, you have something in common with Willie Nelson...and me. This will explain. Please give a listen. It may help the next time life knocks you down.
18 minutes | Sunday, October 23, 2022
Think of the advantages you could have by owning a truly old and beaten up jalopy. Sell it like the guy whose jeans making machine went nuts and tore up a big number of pants. Look at the advantages of owning a Jalopy...newly imported from our plant in the exotic Jalopogos Islands. Driving a true Jalopy, nobody will challenge you at a stop sign. Nobody will bother stealing it. Tailgate you...are you kidding with all that exhaust smoke? What's not to like about driving a true Jalopy? Drive a few blocks with
20 minutes | Sunday, October 16, 2022
"Have a nice day", "Drive safely", "Have a nice day," "Drive safely" (Pow, pow, pow) They're machine gumming us. WE NEED SOME GUM CONTROL RULES.
15 minutes | Sunday, October 2, 2022
It's tuck away time for the "L:azy, Crazy, Hazy days of "Summer at the Beach" and the soft voices of lovers under the boardwalk,...and "Saturdays in the Park", and the over the top screams of roller coaster riders, and the sweet spot of a baseball bat smacking the winning run at the end of a long and beautiful base ball game. Gotta pack it away in some personal treasure chest till next April....and Spring brings it all back...including the loving touches of long time lovers...who's "Together Warmth" helped welcome that next new Spring.
13 minutes | Sunday, September 4, 2022
Do you know the difference between a wink and a blink? One is on purpose and the other sneaks up on you. Both are just a quick flash of an eyelid. But understanding which one you're looking at can mean the difference between a slap in the face and a quick trip to a ladies' very private life.
14 minutes | Sunday, August 28, 2022
My 3 musician sons think I listen to songs the wrong way. They listen for the melody first. I listen for the words. To me, a song is a story with music attached to emphasize the story. And I get into three of the greatest story songs ever written on today's podcast. And I'll explain why a listener becomes part of a radio guy's life. Give a listen please.
17 minutes | Sunday, August 21, 2022
"Frank" has been a buddy of mine for more than 30 years. It's been lots of burgers & brewskies. And lots of Auld Lang Synes. But there's one thing we can't discuss, and I think the reason we can't talk politics is that he's afraid he won't be able to deal with what might the near future. This podcast explores the reasons behind that. If you're experiencing that same problem, this podcast may help.
15 minutes | Sunday, August 14, 2022
Lots of interesting stories in this Like how I found out that there was one very important thing I could do on the radio, but not on TV. And the one about the rich Louie -Louie generation guy and his wonderful weekend with his stunning girlfriend. But most of all, it's about a pair of lovers who managed to turn a late Summer rain...into steam...together.
17 minutes | Sunday, August 7, 2022
There are four words in this tht will probably get me into trouble. "Females, Frequently, Flee, Flatulence." My only defense is that it's the truth. In case you're confused, the nick name for flatulence rhymes with Heart...but that's not where your flatulence originates. Give a listen, with an open mind. And possibly with an open window.
11 minutes | Sunday, July 31, 2022
Little girl babies are different from little boy babies right from day one. Little girl babies smile more, react more happily when they notice you're looking at them and genuinely want to please you. I think they should keep those traits when they grow up. Little boy babies mostly eat, drink, and pee. We don't change much when we grow up. For more information on the differences between boys and girls, give a listen to this podcast please.
14 minutes | Sunday, July 24, 2022
I figure there are at least 12 different kinds of love...and I've listed them in this podcast. Did I miss any? If so, what kind? Please let me know. My email is
15 minutes | Sunday, July 17, 2022
I was just trying to do a chin up when this happened in my head. Be careful of doing chin ups guys. Or maybe if you REALLY FEEL LIKE you need to do CHINS UPS...Really...Watch out.
19 minutes | Sunday, July 10, 2022
Your Gloat Boat cruise is a little like the Love Boat on TV, but this time instead of watching, you're living the cruise. So come aboard. You may land up somewhere different from any place you've ever been. And I guarantee you'll like it there.
15 minutes | Sunday, July 3, 2022
Fireworks, parades and beach babes in their "Teeny Weenie, Yellow Polka Dot Bikinis," Today's podcast reminds us that It's SUMMER IN THE CITY. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY.
14 minutes | Sunday, June 26, 2022
Which snow flake will start an avalanche? Which drop of water will crack the water fall? Which small explosion will destroy a love affair. "Little Things Mean A Lot" is an old song, and an old story. That's a story told in this podcast.
13 minutes | Sunday, June 19, 2022
This podcast is about a Summer surprise I plan to spring on my Winter's New Years Eve friends. It features the sounds of some Summer night creatures. If you'll give a listen, you'll hear a LOT of sounds. Supposedly all made by little tiny boy bugs, rubbing their back legs together to attract their little foxy lady bugs. Hey guys...TRY ATTRACTING A LAYDY LIKE THAT AT A SINGLES BAR.
16 minutes | Sunday, June 12, 2022
"Dick" is NOT an offensive word. Today's podcast admits that Dick is my real name, It was my Dad's name before me. the guys who run the Moby Dick restaurant chain in Canada were not allowed to use "Dick"on their restaurant signs...the licensing people said Dick was an offensive word. So now the "N" word" and the "F" word have some company. As I said..."Holy Excrement." (Don't let anybody know you're listening to this podcast....and giggling.) (Although Big Louie always says, "Giggles are good.)
14 minutes | Sunday, June 5, 2022
There are a lot of things you have to do with your money. This podcast says one of those things should be HAVE SOME FUN. And there's a story in it about a stranger who taught a lady that lesson...very wonderful night.
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It's Cold Outside
Good Night with Dick Summer

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