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Valentine's Day Aural Sex


18 minutes | Sunday, February 9, 2020
Aural Sex is words. This podcast is about the proper use of Aural Sex, because most of the time now it's ignored. What a waste. If there's ever a time to use Aural Sex, it's Valentine's Day. You'll also hear a little of the history of Valentine's day in this podcast. So give a listen please.
18 minutes | Sunday, February 2, 2020
Any real Big Ciy Louie-Louie Generation guys can probably remember sitting on the stoop with some guys singing Doo Wop...including a doo wop version of Louie-Louie. They'll also remember stick ball, and maybe even Buck Buck (You will if you grew up in Brooklyn.) This podcast will take you back to the days of your first car, and "Step on a crack and you'll break your mother's back." AND IT WILL EXPLAIN HOW SEX 3 TIME A WEEK WILL MAKE YOU LIVE LONGER. Give a listen. Grab a grin.
16 minutes | Sunday, January 26, 2020
A click is a quick little sound...but put enough of them together and they can change your life. This podcast is about some of the quick little sounds...the little clicks...that drastically changed mine...and my Lady's. Give a listen please. Just click you know where.
23 minutes | Sunday, January 19, 2020
I'm looking at an amazingly stupid statistic. It's from a General Social Survey. And it says that men between the ages of 18 & 29 are having less sex than ever...because they're afraid of approaching women for sex. And listen to this. The number of these guys has about tripled from 10% in 2008 to 28% in 2019. That means, almost 1 out of every three young guys are suffering from this No-Sex-Non-Sense...because they're afraid to try to talk a woman into bed. Thanks for dropping in here with me on my podcast. Let's play a little game. Say you're on a crowded airplane, the weather is really ...
14 minutes | Sunday, January 12, 2020
One of several reasons I like making my Lady Wonder Wench giggle is how she...looks when she giggles. This podcast is also about the terrors of actually going to a gym, as opposed to just taking a gym membership. One way around that is instead of calling your bathroom a John, change the name to your Jim. That way you can always say, "Yeah, I went to my Jim early this morning".
13 minutes | Sunday, January 5, 2020
Tired of looking for the glasses that are hiding on the top of your head? Tired of all the political BS that's screaming at us? Tired of being...tired? This podcast is about having a Gratitude Attitude instead. It's in my book, "Staying Happy Healthy And Hot." When your legs are hurting, remember the military man or woman who came home without legs. When you're tired because the baby kept you awake all night, remember the folks who can't have a baby. When you're just tired of getting "old" remember the kids in Connecticut a few years ago...who will never have that problem, because some nut ...
20 minutes | Sunday, December 29, 2019
This is our HAPPY NEW YEAR podcast. It explains why I claim this coming year, 2020, is the year of the eye doctor. It also explains what "Soon" means. And it asks you to join me in a kind of an emotional song. Give a listen please.
17 minutes | Sunday, December 22, 2019
This may be my favorite Christmas podcast. It features a Christmas song by my son Dave, who plays an orchestra full of instruments on the recording. It's also about the thrill and the danger of being a one hit wonder, like Gene Chandler, Francis Scott Key, the Singing Nun, and Mildred and Patty Hill. And...maybe most includes the one thing that can keep you forever young. Give a listen. And Merry Christmas.
14 minutes | Sunday, December 15, 2019
There's a Disney squirrel offering you a peanut, a Tough New York bird singing Jingle Bells. and a magical walk under the Rock Center Christmas Tree in this podcast. And best of all, a true story about a Raggedy Ann Doll. Please give a listen. You'll come away about ten degrees "Christmas-rera."
18 minutes | Sunday, December 8, 2019
Lots of big books, Gospels, and expensive cards have been written about Christmas. But this podcast very clearly defines Christmas in just two words, that jumped immediately into a five years old when I asked her about it. Give a listen please. I think it'll give you just as big a smile as it gave me. And, Merry Christmas.
25 minutes | Sunday, December 1, 2019
Time for us to swap Christmas stories again. Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Solstice...however you celebrate the season. This podcast features some of my favorites. Please spend a few minutes celebrating with me.
16 minutes | Sunday, November 24, 2019
It was when I was at NBC Radio in New York one Thanksgiving long ago, that I realized that men can be considered "saintly" for several reasons. And we are given next to no credit for that. Therefore I started the "Men Are Saints" campaign. This podcast explains my perhaps..."unusual" reasoning.
16 minutes | Sunday, November 17, 2019
Don't let your Loveboat crash on the rocks. Give this podcast a listen so you can learn to work the 6 gears that keeps it running smoothly with the wind. The ticket is free. And the drinks are on me.
14 minutes | Sunday, November 10, 2019
There are curves and there are CURVES. And some ladies have both. Some of the girls in Sr. Mary Knucklebuster's class had the nerve to grow curves before I was ready to try to handle that. But they also put curves down on paper. It's Estrogen at work I think. Guys don't do that. Except for doctors and pharmacists, guys print. Print is Strong. Simple. Like guys. Females are fancy and curvy. This podcast explains that Estrogen difference.
14 minutes | Sunday, November 3, 2019
This podcast is about that four foot long needle the doctor says. "Won't hurt much." It is an adventure most of us have each year. Gesundheit.
21 minutes | Sunday, October 27, 2019
There's something Indiana Jones-ish about wearing a fedora. Makes you feel...different. This podcast explains how you can use that difference very much to your advantage. There's also a story in here about a guy who was maybe too hot for his own good. Give a listen please.
16 minutes | Sunday, October 20, 2019
Non binery is finery for some folks, but woman & man is my plan. Does that make me a feminist? I don't know. One of the greatest feminist statements I've ever heard was said by someone who identified as a woman. Gloria Steinman. She said, "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." Another comment about the general feeling among feminists at the time was, "If we can put one man on the moon why can't we put all of them there." I had a feminist author as a guest to talk about her book on my NBC radio talk show one night. There was a news cast on the air before my show, and the N...
17 minutes | Sunday, October 13, 2019
"I may not be a genie, but maybe I can make your dreams come true." "I'm not really this tall. I'm just sitting on my dear." "Your eyes are as blue as the water in my dear." "My dear always makes a statement sound so beautifully...sleazy. But the best opening line of all is just..."Ribbit." This podcast explains why.
15 minutes | Sunday, October 6, 2019
This podcast claims that Hugs heal. You know how good a good hug feels. When you're down, and somebody comes along, puts a couple of warm arms around you, and gives you a squeeze and a start to want to smile right back...and you really mean that returning smile, no matter how down you just felt. It's a natural reaction. And GIVING somebody a hug is a great way to share some of the smile that you feel happy-ing inside you. Check out what happens in a baseball dugout when somebody hits a walk off grand slam home run. In fact, according to a just released Carnegie Mellon Univers...
15 minutes | Sunday, September 29, 2019
There's a story about a lonely lady in this podcast. Actually, it's a story about a lot of lonely ladies. Maybe it's a story about a lonely lady you know. Or would like to know. Actually, it's a story about the fact that man or woman, the less you bet the more you lose when you win. And it's a reminder that there's a big difference between being alone, and being lonely.
14 minutes | Sunday, September 22, 2019
I think life is too short to spend so much time arguing with strangers on the internet about politics. That's stuff that we can't really change...once voting day is over. And speaking about politics, have you noticed that almost every politician says, "We need to come together." The way we argue about political questions if we all came together it would be a disastrous collision. We'd all need football helmets. The dust would never stop flying. I think there are so many questions that are much more interesting than political stuff. For example, Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? G...
16 minutes | Sunday, September 15, 2019
#6 is Snooze, #5 -Smile, #4-Scratch, #3-Shower, #2is Steak. Can you guess what's #1? To find out just give a listen to this podcast. It MAY not surprise you.
17 minutes | Sunday, September 8, 2019
I allow him to help my lady out of her clothes and put her to bed at night. Who is this guy? And why do I let him do that? This podcast might surprise you. Give a listen please.
15 minutes | Sunday, September 1, 2019
This podcast is about an early morning adventure. My Lady Wonder Wench and I just got back from Shaw's...our favorite breakfast diner here in Dracut, Massachusetts. I like lots of things, but I always seem to have one favorite. My Lady always orders eggs... over easy. I'm not exactly sure what over easy means. But eggs for breakfast always reminds me of a guy I know, who has what he claims is a dynamite opening pick up line about eggs. He says he goes over to the prettiest young lady at the singles bar and says, "How would you like your eggs for breakfast tomorrow morning, my dear"? Gotta a...
14 minutes | Sunday, August 25, 2019
How much fun are you allowed to have with a perfect stranger, if you are already in a committed relationship? Before you answer that for yourself, how much fun would you like your partner to have with a perfect stranger? And how different would your answer be if that fun with the perfect stranger would the middle of the night. Give a listen to this podcast. It might change your mind.
15 minutes | Sunday, August 18, 2019
Soft Summer rain can be sexy stuff. So be careful if some sly, fun loving guys invite you ladies to go for a soft. sexy, soaking walk. This podcast is about what happened one night, in a soft, sexy, soaking rain.
17 minutes | Sunday, August 11, 2019
This podcast is about using your attitude to get lots of good stuff. It's not the usual rah-rah nonsense. It'll help keep you young, without forcing you to mature. As I've told you, maturity is a trap. "Maturity" makes guys wear a jacket and tie when it's 100 degrees out, and it makes women eat a lettuce leaf for dinner. Give a listen to this podcast. If nothing else it'll give you a grin.
18 minutes | Sunday, August 4, 2019
This podcast is about looking into a full length mirror, until it starts behaving like a crystal ball going backwards…watching some of the middle of the night ladies who made the NBC Radio studios in the RCA Building so…interesting…such a long time ago. And there's a message in it for you, if you were one of those ladies who warmed the night for me so nicely.
19 minutes | Sunday, July 28, 2019
This podcast is about a battle to the death. Give a listen and find out who won.
16 minutes | Sunday, July 21, 2019
I'm not sitting in my big, manly, comfortable black leather poppa chair in my living room today, like I usually am when I record my podcasts. I'm recording this podcast in the middle of the day in the middle of the summer, so I'm sittiing on a folding chair in the shade of a tree growing in my back yard. I think it's an oak. In some ways this tree reminds me of me. I figure it's about my age, but it's a lot bigger than I am. But...I'm a lot faster than Woody...even with my bum knee. Sometimes it's also a lot smarter than me. Today's podcast explains why. Give a listen please. These podcasts...
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Valentine's Day Aural Sex
Good Night with Dick Summer

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