Jeremiah weeps for what breaks the heart of God
Samuel is a historian and lover of God.
Joshua succeeds Moses and leads the people against the Canaanites and into the promised land.
What Moses experienced in his spiritual journey he pointed out in others as he wrote the Torah.
God makes a covenant with Abraham.
The author of the first 5 books of the Bible story begins in Exodus.
We light the 4th candle and love joins hope and peace and !joy
Inside out Joy because of the birth of Jesus.
God's gift to us is peace.
Christ's coming and coming again give us Christmas hope!
Paul reminds the Ephesians of their strong foundation in Christ..
Faith has substance and comes with assurances.
Elijah defeats the prophets of Baal on Mt Carmel.
Jethro brings his daughter, Moses' wife, and grandkids to visit the chosen people and give Moses some pointers.
Adding to the fruit of the Spirit are the unique gifts of the Spirit.
The 9 segmented Fruit of the Spirit.
Life is a battle,,, dress for it.
Peter urges the believers to rid themselves of all that's holding them back so they can come alive!
A prisoner reminds the free people to celebrate with a joyous attitude.
Malachi, the messenger, calls the post exilic Jews to whole hearted faithfulness,
Jesus' youngest brother encourages the faithful
During their exile in Babylon, Jeremiah told them why and how to stay good.
All Scripture is God-breathed.
Although his father was a good prophet, Jonah wasn't.
Revelation 2 and 3 are John's report cards and warning to seven once highly successful churches.
David identifies himself as a sheep in need of a shepherd.
Forgiveness is the Gift you give you!
Arrogance and Assumption are corrected with childlike faith.
We gave a great High priest, Jesus!
You can be a tumbleweed or you can be a tree!