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Good Night with Dick Summer

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The Battle Of The Bathroom


17 minutes | Sunday, September 10, 2023
This podcast is about a bitter bathroom battle. Fortunately I won in the long run. This was a battle guys can't lose...especially when their girlfriends are around to see it. Give a listen please.
15 minutes | Sunday, September 3, 2023
Lots of beautiful stuff this time of year....The tree leaves explode in fantastic colors. There are chill winds and blue skies everywhere. But I'm going to miss the lazy, crazy, hazy days of Summer for the next 7 months...till SPRING!
15 minutes | Sunday, August 27, 2023
It's raining again.
16 minutes | Sunday, August 13, 2023
What's that you say? Don't you remember Johnny Carson? He had it on his show...and it was one of his funniest bits ever. Give a listen to this podcast. Near the'll remind you of what Sis Boom Baa is all about.
16 minutes | Sunday, August 6, 2023
My Dad's name was also Dick, so for a long time I was called "Dickie." As in "Little Dick." Some of my close relatives still call me "Dickie." Which confuses my Grandchildren. I like being called "Dick" for reasons I'll explain in this podcast. Give a listen please.
16 minutes | Sunday, July 30, 2023
I came across this podcast from a long time ago today. And I kinda like it. I hope you do too. It's about flying different kinds of airplanes, and grocery shopping, and having some laughs with my Lady. AND NO POLITICS.
18 minutes | Sunday, July 23, 2023
Klunkers are guy cars. Driving a klunker says, "I don't care if I break down at midnight in a bad part of town. I can take care of myself." And...If a guy driving a sleek new Caddy, and a guy driving a klunker both get to a four way stop sign, guess who goes first...because he's got not much to lose. And klunkers are...inexpensive. Klunker drivers never have to worry about parking. Just double park wherever you have to. Leave the keys in the ignition if you like...nobody is going to swipe a klunker. Give a listen to this podcast and feel better about kunking around.
17 minutes | Sunday, July 16, 2023
This podcast is about the sometimes fine line between something sinful and something grateful. And there's a verbal back rub squeezed in there for the fun of it. Don't miss this matter which side of the sinful or grateful fine line you're on.
15 minutes | Sunday, July 9, 2023
One of the many benefits of being a Louie Louie Generation Girl or Guy is that we have learned (usually the hard way) the great benefits of taking a moment to THINK when faced with a big decision. There's a story in this podcast about a young couple who didn't do that, and are now faced with the biggest decision any young couple can face. I hope they'll takes some time to think about what they do next. I think they will. And I wish them all the best. They're good "kids." Give a listen please.
14 minutes | Sunday, July 2, 2023
How hot is it is a loaded question. Here, Near Boston, it's pretty comfortable. Where my brother Jeff lives in Texas...a whole different story. In Texas IT IS HOT. This podcast is about getting...HOT. Give a listen. Several of my friends indicate that they got comfortable with this podcast. They keep it close by them, because this podcast is so cool.
15 minutes | Sunday, June 25, 2023
Listen carefully and you'll probably hear it.Dum dee dum dee, dumb dee dumm. INDY IS HERE. Well's really just me...BUT I'M WEARING MY INDY HAT. It's actually about a half size too big for me...but it's not too big for my ego. One of the reasons I like Indiana Jones is that he isn't a super hero. He has a regular job. He's a teacher. Of course I'm not too sure that ordinary teachers inspire pretty lady students to print "I love you" on their eye lids, and sit in the front row...and slowly close their eyes. He makes me think that with a little more exercise, I might be able to answer ...
17 minutes | Sunday, June 18, 2023
"The world is flat...look for yourself" Wrong! "Boiled milk...Louie". Lots of things you've been taught MAYBE wrong. This podcast says, take another look...preferably over some burgers and brewskies.
13 minutes | Sunday, June 4, 2023
This is IT. My favorite time of the year. SUMMERTIME. Big Louie, "his own bad self" likes it too. And he tells you about his "Toilet Paper" description of how time flies. And there's a true story about the nice Summer day when my girlfriend Matilda caught me standing next to a pretty, half naked girl. Plus there's one of my favorite Bedtime Stories around 3/4 way through. Give a listen, please.
17 minutes | Sunday, May 28, 2023
If a phone rings while a psychiatrist is with a client, does he answer it by saying "I can't talk to you now, I'm shrinking?" I have a shirt that says it's "Shrink Resistant." Does that mean it shrinks, but it really tries hard not to? If the pretty nurse measures you, and she says you're 2 inches smaller than you told her you were, should you hide your face...or any other part of you in shame? I say, "NO!" Because...YOU SHINE!!!! Give a listen to this podcast. It'll explain.
15 minutes | Sunday, May 21, 2023
Sometimes I do one of these podcasts, and I hear it back, because I'm up and wandering around in the middle of the night, and it feels the friendly pat on the fanny that a pitcher gets from the manager, when he's thrown a good game. This is one of those podcasts. It combines a fantasy about "Saving" my Lady Wonder Wench from a Saturday night with a bunch of single, handsome young guys at a ski lodge, and taking her for a fascinating moonlit night when I had my airplane. Please take a listen.
13 minutes | Sunday, May 14, 2023
When you're feeling when The Lord said, "Let there be light" flipped the switch. When you think it would be a good idea to go to your dentist and have him put braces on your dentures so you feel young again...when you swear you can feel your wild oats turning to shredded wheat... listen to this podcast. The story in it is called the "Slip Away Wife". Even she will make you feel a little better. Smarter. Younger.
14 minutes | Sunday, May 7, 2023
Some women have them to excess. Like my Lady Wonder Wench. Curves. On paper. Handwriting. As in what is fast becoming a lost art...CURSIVE. Women and girls use Cursive. It's way too complicated for guys. Come to think of it, women are too complicated for guys to understand...period. Wonder Wench is writing another novel in cursive. I understand it has a semi happy ending. You think it's going one way, then she throws one of those curves.
11 minutes | Sunday, April 30, 2023
It hit me..."The home of the brave" a minor league baseball game...what that really means. And it's a bases loaded walk off, bottom of the 9th home run. Doesen't matter if you're a Republican, a Democrat, or just confused. If you're an American...or you want to be...if you listen to this time the ball game'll sing along... ...with your hand over your heart.
17 minutes | Sunday, April 23, 2023
I don't mind that Mr, Story Man helps My Lady out of her clothes, and puts her to bed every nigh t. I call him Mr. Story Man because he tells her sexy stories every night at bed time. All stories can be sexy the way he tells them. And I don't mind a bit. Why don't I mind that she looks forward to seeing him every night? Give a listen to this podcast. It might surprise you.
16 minutes | Sunday, April 16, 2023
I was on the air at WNBC in New York, when it happened. I was doing a live commercial, and a woman with evil intentions sneaked into the studio and did it. Her fingernails felt like 12 inches long. And they were gliding up and down my back in a spot I couldn't reach by myself. As I recall, the commercial sounded a bit like this: "So dom't wait till it's too late. Go and buy some gezorninplatz . ..oooohhhhhhh.Give a listen please.
17 minutes | Sunday, April 9, 2023
The difference between lingere and underwear is one plays on your fantasies and the other is just laundry. That's Victoria's secret. It's often the difference between a friendship and a romance. This podcast tells you about the fantasy that we might share that changed my life. Give a listen please.
15 minutes | Sunday, April 2, 2023
How dare they tell us not to sit any more? Some clown in a white lab coat with a hearing aid for listening to your heart around his neck, said sitting is as bad for your health as smoking. Smoking kills. I think we're ok as long as the chairs we're sitting in aren't connected to an electrical outlet.
15 minutes | Sunday, March 26, 2023
I figured that would get your attention. And this podcast has a "look" of sex that might surprise you. It surprised me. And I'm from Brooklyn. Give a listen please.
16 minutes | Sunday, March 19, 2023
This Podcast explains my idea of where the words Miss and Mrs. came from. And it's not where you think. It's also about how I got to be a DJ on WNEW & WNBC in New York. And that's not what you think either. There's a short, clingy black dress, and a good blonde hair do in the story also. Give a listen. It'll be a good way to spend 15 minutes.
15 minutes | Sunday, March 12, 2023
When's the last time you had FUN. I mean the milk squirting out of your nose laughing, completely "irresponsible", Jumping up and down on the bed...FUN. That's what this podcast is all about. Fun. In bed. All kinds of fun in bed.
15 minutes | Sunday, March 5, 2023
And it's not for the reason you're thinking. She wanted to trust her Heart, and all the rest of her wanted to go...somewhere...with him....just somewhere ...else...where they could be alone together for a little while. But she couldn't trust his hands. This podcast is their story.
18 minutes | Sunday, February 26, 2023
Everything looks different when you're working at 3 AM. If you don't want to try it, just listen to this podcast, and you'll at least understand how it can change you. AND IT DOES.
17 minutes | Sunday, February 19, 2023
It was a fight to the finish. Me against a snarling, brutish MOUSE in my house. He had cornered my Lady Wonder Wench on top of her dresser. It was a case of Mickey or me.
17 minutes | Sunday, February 12, 2023
You've done it, and it makes you THINK words your spell checker would change...but you can't say them because you just bit your tongue. I call that "Auto Cannibalism." That's the subject of this podcast. Give a listen so you'll know what to do the next time you do it to yourself.
13 minutes | Sunday, February 5, 2023
Lots of programs tell you Don't Delete. If you delete this program without listening first, all kids of terrible things could happen to you! But of course, maybe not. Don't take a chance. Give a listen please. If you do listen to me, and you'd like me to listen to you, send an audio link to, and I guarantee I'll listen to you.
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The Battle Of The Bathroom
Good Night with Dick Summer

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