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Good Night with Dick Summer

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On The Road Again


17 minutes | Sunday, October 31, 2021
This podcast is about what one beautiful woman thinks makes a man, "Hot"...and what make him...not "Hot." And it tells the story of a woman who turns a guy's life around by just crossing a downtown street. Give a listen please.
14 minutes | Sunday, October 24, 2021
Today's podcast is about how a guy can become a "Super Hero" to his woman. And what his woman's response can be. You'll also find a list of things that turn a woman off. AND...How a woman can be sexy, just crossing a street.
20 minutes | Sunday, October 17, 2021
The estrogen and testosterone differences between men and women are obvious in lots of ways. Woman simply look nice in any amount of jewelry. A man can get away with one ear ring, but any more than that and he begins to look like a lounge singer by the name of Barry. Men start conversations about sports or politics, and our conversation about either can get pretty heated. Women start saying something wow that was a nice restaurant last night, wasn't it? A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, read a book or get the mail. A guy dresses up for weddings or funerals....
17 minutes | Sunday, October 10, 2021
I sometimes get a little jealous of the guy who undresses my lady every night, and puts her to bed. His name is Mr. Story Man. And she thinks he's very sexy. It's hard to compete with a guy like that.
15 minutes | Sunday, October 3, 2021
Peek-a-Boo is a little like Sudden Love. When you cover a baby's eyes his world disappears, then you make it re-appear with that magic word, "PEEK"! Sudden Love is like that. You're just walking around minding your own business, and all of a sudden your world explodes full of warmth, and music and laughs every time a particular magic person appears. This podcast is about how that happened to me...many years ago. Give a listen please...especially if it ever happened to you.
14 minutes | Sunday, September 26, 2021
"It's a long, long time, from May to December. And the days grow short when you reach September. And the Autumn weather turns the leaves to flame...I haven't got time for the waiting game. This podcast is about my least favorite season. I suppose it has some beauty, but my season is Summer. And she's being strangled right now.
17 minutes | Sunday, September 19, 2021
Why do we do some things and don't do other things. I thought maybe you'd help. If you have some answers, my email is And I really would like to hear from you. So here we go. When you sneeze somebody will say God bless you, or gesundheit, or SOMETHING. But when you cough, nobody says a word. Why is that? And why do people put their cell phones in their hip pockets? Are they preparing to send pictures of their butts to favored groups of friends? And speaking of cell phones, why don't we encourage index finger twiddling? We're all guilty of twiddling our thumbs sometimes,...
18 minutes | Sunday, September 12, 2021
Some stories hound us. I told you this one a long time ago. But it has been banging me in the head all week. So I guess I'll tell it to you maybe it will bang around in your head for a while.
15 minutes | Sunday, September 5, 2021
If you listen to this podcast, and let your eye close, you will see, and hear, and feel a very special late Summer rain...on your skin and your lips. And you'll remember very distinctly the scent of a gentle late Summer rain falling on the lovely, newly cut grass on a big, green, lawn. Try it. Let me know how it works for you. My Email is
16 minutes | Sunday, August 29, 2021
I made the hastiest hang up of my life a few days ago. I was talking to my buddy Robert, and an emergency emerged...and I just said, "Gotta go. Goodbye." Not at all like the way I usually end a phone call with a friend. Usually it's something like, Well I really enjoyed this 3 hour conversation, but my wife is putting dinner out on the table, so I've got to go." That's a more reasonable way for a guy to get to a hangup after a long conversation. "Oh my god my husband's home" is an...effective... hasty hang up line for a woman talking on the phone to her lover. But I got to an immediate hurr...
15 minutes | Sunday, August 22, 2021
Are you curious about how long you have to live? The government, and this podcast will tell you. Go to the life expectancy calculater at SSA.Gov. It will tell you how long the government figures you'll live. That's the life expectancy calculater at SSA.GOV. I did that, and what they told me was kind of surprising. I checked it for my Lady Wonder Wench too, and she has about 3 more years than I do. And that worries me a bit. Because we've been together for a very long time. Long enough for me to know lots of things about her. For example she loves privacy, real cloth napkins, the smell of...
17 minutes | Sunday, August 15, 2021
A poet once said, "Love doesn't make the world go around, but it makes the trip worthwhile." For guys like me who grew up in Brooklyn, what that means is there's always a little more hell that could use raising. Especially when it involves interliabial osculation spit-swapping lip-locks, with a woman who's soft left shoulder has just slipped out from under a red silk night gown. There are forces for good in the community who always say, "Far too much emphasis is placed on interliabial ocsulation spit-swapping lip locks." To them I say, "Oh Yeah?" Then how come a recent Gallup poll found ...
13 minutes | Sunday, August 8, 2021
How will the stereo sound of soft Summer creatures spin my friend's brains when I play them on the stereo on New Year's Eve? I'll let you know when it happens. Those little Summer creatures make more noise than seems logical, generated by little tiny bugs. Give a listen. Doesn't it sound like some 40 pound bugs to you? And a 40 pound but is not something I'm looking forward to meeting.
13 minutes | Sunday, August 1, 2021
It came out of the blue. Shazam! I never expected it. When my Lady Wonder Wench heard the news she responded with a shriek heard for several zip codes, and I could understand that. This podcast is about one of the most amazing days of my life.
16 minutes | Sunday, July 25, 2021
One of the many good things about being a Louie Louie Generation Person is that there are so many fascinating experiences in our rear view mirrors. This podcast is about one of mine, when I learned the difference between saying "yes", "no" and when to say, "WHOOPIE". If you've ever been to a dentist, you'll understand.
18 minutes | Sunday, July 18, 2021
This podcast is about National Simple kidding. The guys who thought it up were...guys. Guys are simple. Women are complicated. Give a guy a roof over his head, enough to eat, and good sex, and he's happy. Women also need a roof over their heads, and enough to eat. But the roof overhead should be part of a mansion, complete with a handsome butler and a very hard working maid. Women also need lots of shoes, stylish jeans, the proper makeup, some diamonds, a relationship with a guy who's a good dancer, has a nice car, and has something that's six inches long, two inches wide, and ...
12 minutes | Sunday, July 11, 2021
There's a magic about mirrors. This podcast says if you spend two minutes looking at the person looking back at you in the mirror, you'll get some information about yourself that might surprise you. Try it. And let me know how you do. My Email is
14 minutes | Sunday, July 4, 2021
Summer is a woman. Soft, smooth, sexy and HOT. Today's podcast is about hot weather, and hot women.
14 minutes | Sunday, June 27, 2021
Lots of things can cause quick sweats. The noon day sun in August. Sexy sex. Your car making strange sounds. Your boss telling you to, "Come in, and close the door." A woman saying, "I'm FINE!" Some Mr. Goodwrench giving you a sad look. And according to this podcast, sitting in your car, fearing you're about to make a very big mistake. Give a listen.
15 minutes | Sunday, June 20, 2021
This podcast is about Summer Lovin'...DONE RIGHT! It's about the Lazy Crazy Hazy Days Of Summer, Tar Beach, Lifeguard Days...and nights...BeachParties...4th of July Fireworks, and the absolutely most beautiful girls in the world wearing their soft Summer dresses. There's a true story about Summer girlfriend back then, when she caught me with a lady...and what she did about it. And it's about how great it is being a, "Loser."
17 minutes | Sunday, June 13, 2021
Smiles seem to be...baked into us. Babies smile almost as soon as they're born...some smart guys in white lab coats, even claim babies smile BEFORE they're born. Those same smart guys say smiling lowers your heart rate so it will keep ticking longer. Actually I have a...contrarian...experience to that one...the first time my Lady Wonder Wench smiled at me, my heart rate went through the roof. But of course there are exceptions to every rule. Blind people smile even if they were blind at birth, so they've never seen a smile. I swear I've seen dogs and cats smile. Different animals have...
21 minutes | Sunday, June 6, 2021
This podcast is about an "Oh My God" that was said by my friend Joe Goodavage who was flying with me one day when he saw a rainbow on top of the clouds. And it's about flying my kids around the Statue of Liberty, and watching them wave to the pretty lady. And it's about a very special night flight...watching the "Touch me looks" flickering below, and watching people love each other and in some cases kill each other. And it's about our Grand Daughter Cassie, jumping up and down on Block Island to see if it would disappear. And it's about why I'll never see these things again.
15 minutes | Sunday, May 30, 2021
Time Flies, so you want to be sure to be your own pilot. I started thinking about that when I dropped my alarm clock and it broke. I'll replace it, but until the new clock arrives...I still have to get up at a reasonable hour of the morning. I'm the responsible pilot. There's some story in here about a little slip there and a raging bull of a guy quickly becomes a pussy cat. And there's a plug in here about my buddy Bob's new business book called "Better Management Through Finger Pointing." Bob is a Vice President, but he's got a sense of humor anyway. And there's a question...
13 minutes | Sunday, May 23, 2021
Something unusual is going on in your head. There's a famous Hypnosis experiment in this podcast, and it will amaze you. The results of this experiment opens up the question of how many parts of you play important roles in your life. And...there's a story about having dinner with your Ex that might hit home. Give a listen please.
17 minutes | Sunday, May 16, 2021
When you're so uptight you're out of control, that's called BURNOUT! Burnout is stress that keeps repeating itself, over and over and over again. It probably started when you were a kid and you wanted to bang your fork against your glass, shove your peas into your pocket and sing Greensleves at the table. Know why you can't do that? "BECAUSE I SAID SO." (That's a voice from your past.) Why are there lots of drinking songs, but no eating dinner songs? Give a listen to this podcast. You'll find a way around this problem.
16 minutes | Sunday, May 9, 2021
I just made it. I am sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living room, and that is very fortunate... because when I was standing in the middle of the room a few minutes ago, something in my right knee was suddenly...displeased. My right knee said something that sounded distinctly like..."Click" And it became immediatly obvious that it was up to my left knee to get me over here...which it did. Maybe I'll change my name to skippy if I keep hopping around on one leg like that. It seems like everything is clicking for me these days. My knees, my elbows ...
16 minutes | Sunday, May 2, 2021
My pilot buddy Eric's romance has just crashed. And he says he's in a never ending depression...forgetting everything Big Louie has always said...even "You can never tell when something wonderful is going to happen." I've got to get him to turn his Christal balls around...get him to get focused on a possible...if not totally probable...future. His problem isn't pandemic related...but it could be.
17 minutes | Sunday, April 25, 2021
Irony is not the opposite of wrinkly .Wrinkly is not something I looked forward to getting. But this podcast claims wrinkles don't hurt. What do you think? Please let me know at
21 minutes | Sunday, April 18, 2021
This podcast is about sex and relationships. What do I know about sex, and relationships? I'm not a doctor. Not even a Phd kind of doctor. I'm not an expert...but that was exactly my point. I've made the same damn dumb mistakes most of you have made. And I'll make more of them. I've kept track of some of mine to help and me...avoid making some of them again. I keep trying to understand why we keep punishing ourselves with guilt and even loneliness... why some of us never get to share all the love we were born to give...and to get. I got into a lot of trouble at some of the ra...
17 minutes | Sunday, April 11, 2021
This Saturday is National Condom day. It's sponsored by the Trojan Condom company. That's an interesting name for a condom company. Trojan. It reminds me of the famous trojan horse...which managed to sneak into a closed up castle...that Trojan horse made it possible for a bunch of guys to have a very sexy day. National Condom day is this Saturday. Can you imagine the parade with all those floats? Unfortunately, lots of women will only fake celebrating National Condom day. My Lady Wonder Wench says lots of women fake orgasms because lots of guys fake foreplay. Probably the most famous one...
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On The Road Again
Good Night with Dick Summer

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