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Good Night with Dick Summer

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All Night Survival


17 minutes | Sunday, September 6, 2020
All Night Survival
16 minutes | Sunday, August 30, 2020
I've always been a big fan of Peter Pan..."The boy who wouldn't grow up." Actually, I'm even more a fan of "Tinkerbelle" the fairy. She was hugely in love with Peter, but he wasn't having any of her, because he knew his girlfriend "Wendy" wouldn't appreciate it. The thing that's wonderful about "Tink" is that she knows Peter desperately needs some of her fairy dust. And she gives him almost all she the point that she's so weak she could die. And the only thing that can help her is when you clap for her...that renews her stash of fairy dust. That's pretty generous. I like generous. ...
19 minutes | Sunday, August 23, 2020
They were the second most dangerous words I ever heard. Because looking at her, I knew very well what I wanted. And eventually, she said THE MOST DANGEROUS WORD I'VE EVER HEARD. And it's in this podcast.
16 minutes | Sunday, August 16, 2020
GRRRR! seems to be the word of the day. We need to get re-Gruntled. When you un-plug your computer you are dis-connected. When your blood pressure is zooming, you're red in the face, and you're screaming at somebody, you are dis-gruntled. This podcast will help you get gruntled again. Give a listen.
17 minutes | Sunday, August 9, 2020
If last week's podcast created a certain level of female dis-gruntle-ment, let's get the ladies gruntled again with this podcast. It's about the discovery of a very high voltage shot of Female High Voltage. I don't think most of you ladies have any idea of how that powers so many of us guys. Give a listen, and let me know please. My email is
17 minutes | Sunday, August 2, 2020
Amy was a little kid who never caught a break...until the last hour of her life. It made me think of what I treasure most about life. The "Gratitude Attitude" at work. Sometimes you've got to really think why an all powerful, all loving God would give a nice little kid like Amy something as terrible as Systic Fibrosis. Then it hit me...HARD. Give a listen to this podcast please. Maybe it will hit you just hard give God a break.
17 minutes | Sunday, July 26, 2020
It was on a lovely day at a Met's Spring Training game in Florida that it happened. He all of a sudden squeezed my hand hard...right in front of all those people. Give a listen please.
21 minutes | Sunday, July 19, 2020
Once...on a crystal clear early winter night, when the wind was still, and the moon was almost full, I took my Lady Wonder Wench for a flight around Lady Liberty. Lady Liberty was lit and lovely in New York Harbor that night. And you know, sometimes in my imagination, when I close my eyes, I can almost see Lady Liberty looking out from New York Harbor all the way across... from sea to shining sea and it seems like I can hear her asking, "What is happening to my people? What is making them so afraid. All of them. The great and the small. What is happening, and when will it be over? I don't h...
16 minutes | Sunday, July 12, 2020
Why would a waitress stick a thumb into a plate of mashed potatoes? Why aren't there different seating arrangements for sections where the waiters have for sure washed their hands after using the toilet, and slightly cheaper meals at tables where we're not sure they washed their hands? Lots of questions about restaurants in this podcast. Please give a listen.
19 minutes | Sunday, July 5, 2020
Proud Podcast Person Betsy Girl said..."How you feel about sex depends on with whom you're having sex. It has to be with the right person." Right Betsy. And I think that's where the magic comes in. It's got to be with the right person. Or at least with someone who seems like the right person. I saw a survey once that said women would rather go shopping than have sex. I must question what would happen if they added Betsy's point to that survey. How would women have answered it if the question were, "Would you rather go shopping or have sex with John Legend" the answer might be different. ...
17 minutes | Sunday, June 28, 2020
"The Times They Are A Changing" as Mr. Dylan famously sang. Maybe it's the "Magic Herb" they sell in the drugstores that makes a pretty lady "Putty in a guy's arms"...while of course one pill also makes her so sexy his arms ache to hold her. Or maybe it's just something more personal that makes both guys and ladies go way "beyond sensible command." That stuff is in this podcast. Give a listen please.
15 minutes | Sunday, June 21, 2020
The only game I like better than baseball is "Peek-A-Boo." It's really a profound game. The point of it is, "I see you." I think that's pretty important when we need to all put "Social Distance" between us. It's easy to lose sight of somebody standing 6 or more feet away. And this podcast admits I don't want to lose sight of certain people.
16 minutes | Sunday, June 14, 2020
A fine fedora, a fancy bathrobe, and a megawatt smile from a pretty lady...and ZAP...I changed. I was feeling very down for some very real reasons, but the hat, the bathrobe and the smile made me stand up straight, stride right, and smile. This podcast explains it all.
16 minutes | Sunday, June 7, 2020
This podcast is about my Lady Wonder Wench making a guy's glands crash, lending my mother my car and something new: Man Mouth vs. Women Words. Was it a man or a woman who said, "Sex is the biggest nothing in the world." I'll tell you in the next podcast.
18 minutes | Sunday, May 31, 2020
Today's podcast says a stranger's white fedora sits on the night table right next to my Lady Wonder Wench's side of our bed. That strangers white fedora belongs to a sexy older guy who calls himself, Story Man. Story Man has a good strong body, a deep sexy voice, and he likes to wear that white fedora when he helps my lady get undressed for bed. While he's un-hooking her bra he likes to tell her silly little stories to make her giggle like..."Do you know what you call kinky sex with chocolate... S&M&M." The stranger in the white fedora likes to watch her bounce a little when she giggles. I ...
15 minutes | Sunday, May 24, 2020
This podcast was recorded a year or so ago. And I hope our Summer Hopes are as high as this again...maybe next year.
16 minutes | Sunday, May 17, 2020
It's "Just" one more pound...the difference between 189 & 190. But that one pound me. This podcast explains why 16 ounces makes such a difference in my head as well as in my gut. If you've been hiding out and raiding the may find yourself here.
17 minutes | Sunday, May 10, 2020
Size doesn't matter nearly as much as how brightly you shine. Life is tough and confusing right now. Most people are going dark. This podcast says, "That means it's a great time to turn up your shine." It takes a little guts, but it's worth the effort.
17 minutes | Sunday, May 3, 2020
I'm set to drive for another year. That's not the real reason for this podcast, but it is a fact. My good old car passed the state inspection...for the 16th time. My good old car is a little like me. It's old but it still works just fine. They tried to tell me there was a problem because of all the smoke belching out of the exhaust, but I told them that was a safety feature I installed. I told them there's so much smoke coming out of the exhaust that nobody rides my bumper. They kinda scratched their heads till I showed them my insurance papers. I'm insured against collision, theft, a...
15 minutes | Sunday, April 26, 2020
I am a carefree, confident, coffee consumer. I like coffee hot or cold, today's, yesterday's or last week' long as there's no crust on top. But some people go overboard about coffee. They talk about coffee like wine experts talk about wine...You've heard them. "Hey...this bordeau has nice legs." What the heck does that mean? Wine is made from grapes. If a grape has been around long enough to grow legs, it's been around way too long...I'm not having anything to do with it. Go to a nice restaurant, and they go un-necessarily crazy over your coffee. "May I warm this up for you?" Sure. Do...
21 minutes | Sunday, April 19, 2020
Time to tell your sexy friends...after hours and hours of exhaustive research, I have just found your new sexy spot. Your orbito frontal cortex is your new"Sexy spot...your new Private Part." Your new sexy spot orbito frontal cortex is on your forehead just over your eyebrows. And it's directly connected to your limbic system. YOUR LIMBIC SYSTEM. That's the sexiest part of your whole brain. Your new sexy spot orbito frontal cortex is right above your eyebrows. Speaking of eyebrows, all hair...including eyebrows, grows in what's called follicules. So if your new sexy spot is right over your ...
15 minutes | Sunday, April 12, 2020
My buddy Al just said a very funny thing about my computer. He said "you should turn it in to become a boat anchor." I've had my computer for a long time, and I was having trouble understanding why I'd want to use it as a boat anchor. Then he told me somethig really surprising. He said I shouldn't have to shovel coal into my compter any more. He said they make computers now that not only don't run on coal power, he said you don't even have to turn the crank to make them work. He said you just plug them into the socket on the wall and hit the start button and the screen comes on. He claims h...
21 minutes | Sunday, April 5, 2020
I keep hearing a very deep voice coming down from the sky saying, You tick me off. Go to your room and stay there till I tell you to come out. I keep hearing that over and over again these days. Lots of bad stuff going on right now. Everybody's talking about it. Actually, most people are emailing or texting about it...because very few people are talking to each other any more. I really hope God has as comfortable a black, manly, leather poppa chair in His living room, as I do. Because I think I just heard that deep voice saying, "You tick me off. Look what you've been doing to this lovely p...
18 minutes | Sunday, March 29, 2020
The virus is getting out of hand, and I don't like being bitten on the hand any more than you do. So this podcast will take your mind off it for a few minutes re-telling you the true story of a night of terror that happened to me. And since it was MY terror, YOU might get a little chuckle out of it.
13 minutes | Sunday, March 22, 2020
We've had lots of big fears before...and we made It through. We'll make it through this one too. This podcast may refresh your memory, and give your confidence a boost. I hope it does.
21 minutes | Sunday, March 15, 2020
A lot of women are screaming "You Beast" at a lot of guys these days. And it's a justified accusation in lots, if not most cases. But not in the case of a big time News Network TV guy who was just hounded out of work. He's a news guy. Who, what, where, when, & why are the three "W" s of any news story. And the most important of them is Why. The Why is the motivation motor. Why did the President issue those pardons? Why does the drug store always put the prescription desk at the back of the store? Motivation. Why did General George Washington tell his men to "Burn the boats" on that godawful...
17 minutes | Sunday, March 8, 2020
I think Homo Sapiens is a good name for today's humans. This podcast is full of reasons why Homo SMARTiens doesn't fit the species. But it also contains some thoughts for some of us who are feeling insignificant. It's called "You Shine." Give this podcast a listen, please.
16 minutes | Sunday, March 1, 2020
When my Lady Wonder Wench's fingernails are clicking, I want to rip off my shirt and back up into the sound...and the feeling...because my BACK NEEDS THAT KIND OF ATTENTION. As I have slid further and further into Louie Louie Generation Guy-Hood, my back needs more and more SCRATCHING. This podcast explains, and it also contains a story about...Tears...for a very special Proud Podcast Person. Please give a listen.
17 minutes | Sunday, February 23, 2020
Many people of all generations who are not guys will sometimes call those of us who are Louie Louie Generation guys "Maturity Challenged." And they're right. But as this podcast explains, it's not our fault. The "Big Louie Institute for Fooling Around and Figuring Most Things Out" released a report recently that explains the whole thing. The report notes that a guy's brain is swimming in a sea of testosterone, which gives him a deep voice, a beard, and a hand just the right size for using a TV remote. The testosterone in which his brain swims also absorbs some of the shocks of life that ...
14 minutes | Sunday, February 16, 2020
Which came first, the chicken or the egg. Don't take chances. RESEARCH. Go to your local McDonalds and order an egg McMuffin and a McChicken at the same time, and research which arrives first. Many people think the only thing men want in a relationship is sex. I've researched that, and I've found that sex isn't the only thing men want. They also want their laundry done. This podcast emphasizes the role of RESEARCH in our lives. Give a listen please. Research it.
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All Night Survival
Good Night with Dick Summer

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